Peterculter Flower Delivery

  • White Flower Wrap
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    White Flower Wrap


    A relaxed collection of lush white flowers. Beautifully minimal, the lucky person receiving them has creative freedom to arrange them just how they like.

    This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range. New for 2023, it's a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • White Rose and Lily Bouquet
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    White Rose and Lily Bouquet


    This elegant bouquet features stunning white roses and sculptural white lilies. Handcrafted by the local florist who will also choose co-ordinating blooms and foliage.

  • White Rose and Lily Bouquet
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    White Rose and Lily Bouquet


    A soothing bouquet of white roses and lilies. Elegant and graceful.

    This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range. New for 2023, it's a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

  • White Rose Bouquet
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    White Rose Bouquet


    The pure joy of white roses, perfectly arranged. Minimal, chic, stunning.

    This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range. New for 2023, it's a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty.

    It’s a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

Flower Delivery Peterculter

Here at Peterculter flowers our florists are experts in their field and use their 40 years’ experience to benefit our loyal customers in every way possible. Our florists understand how to use the flowers in many ways to give our customers as many options as possible. The florists work diligently and carefully to produce beautiful bouquets and many other flower arrangements that are perfect for many events and occasions. No matter what the needs are for the flowers, we are able to make them here at Peterculter flowers. Feel free to browse our websites or come in store to look through our catalogue to find the perfect bouquet or flower arrangement for you. The huge variety of flowers we have on offer should hopefully mean that you find what you are looking for, but if not we can still help you to find the perfect flower bouquet or flower arrangement. Here at Peterhead Flowers our expert team of florists are always on hand during the working day to help you choose the perfect bouquet or flower arrangement for your special event or even just to send as a gift to a loved one, friend or acquaintance. If you are struggling to find a perfect bouquet on our website then simply come into one of our beautiful flower shops in Peterculter, give us a call or send us an email and you, along with one of the florists, can come together to help create the perfect arrangement.

Peterculter Flowers Same Day Delivery

The florists and experienced team of delivery drivers pride themselves on being able to provide a very quick delivery service. Not only do we offer next day delivery at either AM or PM times, but also same day delivery! So long as you are able to get your order to us by 3pm we can guarantee that we will get the flowers to the required address that very same day before 6pm. That is perfect for those people with very busy lives and those who are last minute with their birthday or anniversary flowers! No matter how late on in the morning and early afternoon you remember that you must get flowers to someone that day, you will still have more than enough time to order them. All of our flowers that we use to create the gorgeous bouquets and flower arrangements are imported from the beautiful fields in the Netherlands. This means that the flowers come in many different colours, sizes, textures and varieties. We would most definitely struggle to get as great of range as we do if we only used the flowers grown locally in Peterculter. The flowers imported from Holland come several times a week which allows us to have a very high turnover of stock in the local flower shops in Peterculter. The flower shops in Peterculter are always refreshing the stock so that they are able to produce flower bouquets and arrangements with the longest possible life. The flowers that are held in the stores here in Peterculter are kept in great conditions so that they keep freshest for the longest amount of time and look amazing for the florists to use. All of our flower bouquets and other flower arrangements come with free complementary cards for you to write a message to your loved ones and recipients. However, if you are wanting to truly express your love in a very long message you can purchase one of the great valued cards that has plenty of room to write whatever you like.